You and I

You – The Calmness
I – The Madness

We are just the perfect mix of chaos and love.
You are not even the most charming man i have ever seen
Somehow your puppy eyes are kind of tolerable.

You are mostly the ‘The Wall’ with minimal to no expressions to my anger,frustration, over excitement or just when i want to drown my face in your chest.

You are just most imperfect picture of how i wanted my love to look like.
Sometimes i regret loving,meeting or being with you but then the next second
I miss you in the seconds between my heartbeat.

I’ve spent moonless nights thinking if its you that i want or want to live with.
mostly the answer is NO but if i let you go, I’d be losing on my Best Friend, my Biggest chearleader, my first sex and definately the last.

Even though you don’t make me feel All in love ALL the time, I’ll probably keep you, till we makeout for the last time,till our last kiss and our last day….

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